"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."
- Psalm 91:4

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Happened Next

My siblings and I went through a very short, but tough divorce. Before my parents went to court they had us on a schedule of going to their houses every other week and the first time I was at my dad's house he already had one of his girlfriends at his house with her two boys. To me this was very unexpected and I am sure it was to my mom as well. My dad was with her for about 4 months until he found someone else he liked. Two months before this is when the divorce started to go through court. It was stressful at times and sometimes even relieving, but it was a mess. During the divorce my dad would tell many lies about my mom to make her look like she was the bad guy. Often he would make us write letters to the court saying we wanted to be at his house more so he would have more custody over us. He really didn't have much money and our rent was so high along with the child support he had to pay, he seemed was always in debt. He would often ask for money from his parents so he could pay off some of the money he owed. During this time he was dating another woman and she had two daughters. She was probably one of my favorite people he dated during the divorce. Her and her daughters is probably the only people my dad dated that treated all of us with respect. I still have many more stories to share, please continue the journey with me as I bring up more painful memories from my past.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How It Started

It all started when I was thirteen. I wasn't very close with my dad at that age, so I always thought he was up to something. I was partly right, my dad would leave the house and tell my family that he was leaving to go work, meet up with his friends, etc. , but instead he was seeing other women. My mom never found out about this until he filed for a divorce on January 14. My dad and my brother were very close to each other and often my dad would choose him to go somewhere over me. Thats how we found out later in the divorce that my dad would often take my brother with him to meet the ladies. During the divorce my dad would lie to my brother and I about what my mom says. When really it was what he was thinking and blaming my mom for it, making my mom look like the bad guy. My dad was with multiple women during and after the divorce none of which my siblings and I really liked. A lot of them would favor my sister and leave my brother and I out of the question. My dad didn't really care about it either unless we confronted him about it. Well this is just the beginning of many more stories that I have. Thanks for reading :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


This is my first time really writing anything about what happened earlier in my life. I have been exploring ways to write about it and I believe this is the right one for me. In the beginning of my blog I am going to share what happened to my family and I earlier in our lives and what lead to some of many tragedies that we had. A little later I will begin to share the current problems that we have in our lives. God has really taken care of us the last few years and I am very thankful for him being in my life. I am not sure how I am going to put this into words yet, so if you have patience please become a follower. As this is a new experience for me.